MVP Land Acquisitions

Mid Valley Power differs from many infrastructure developers in terms of project land ownership. Due to the nature of the business, MVP often selects strategic remote sites. MVP’s advisory board for land acquisitions and project investments provide backing and direction in working with regional owners, stakeholders, zoning and planning commissions providing the basis for purchase of land under MVP developments. Purchasing land ensures MVP and our numerous partners the stable and predictable holdings required for MVP developments when large amounts of capital is invested.

When complete land ownership is not an option our land acquisition team and advisory board will review long term lease and partnership opportunities that last the expected life of our projects. The MVP land team has significant experience in the negotiations of lease agreements with property owners, REIT, trust, investors and various other ownership. We view these types of arrangements more as partnerships than owner/tenant models.

Please contact us for more information on land holdings that you would like reviewed by MVP staff to present to our development advisory committee. Strategically placed disadvantaged communities, brownfield, greenfield and remote commercial zoned properties all pose excellent opportunities for various developments.

MVP Project Acquisitions

MVP as a developer is always interested in renewable energy, distributed generation and electric infrastructure projects through all phases of the value chain. Please fill out the form below to contact us to see how we can be of assistance.


Interest Form