The renewable energy market in California and the US is complex and becoming increasing complex each year as new legislation is introduced. MVP specializes in off site renewable energy procurement based on your needs and requirements when demand, capital, land, utilities or general location is a limiting factor for on site generation. There are many variables that come into account when procuring off site renewable energy depending on point of use and point of generation. The transfer off offsite energy requires extensive expertise in the areas of utilities, providers, transmission paths, balancing authorities and most importantly compliance.
Whether our clients are up against legislative mandates to comply with or organizational initiatives, MVP has a solution for you. We look forward to finding a solution that works for you. We are a privately held company that is not backed by aggressive venture capital investors looking to make aggressive returns. Our goal is increasing our client’s bottom line for years to come and making sure they are strategically prepared for the energy markets of the future and have the required infrastructure to remain a competitive in an aggressive and ever evolving industry.
Please contact us for a consultation to discuss your renewable energy needs.
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
Mid Valley Power offers power purchase agreements (PPAs) for a variety of renewable energy resources. Renewable generation financed and constructed or procured by MVP at little or no upfront cost to our clients is available through a PPA. Depending on the needs and location of our clients, MVP has access to renewable energy sources through our alliance of partners and holdings that can be assigned contractually or we can construct a renewable energy project on your site for a long term PPA. A third party will become your primary energy provider at a fixed or marginal rate for the term of the PPA. These are 15-25 year agreements for constructed projects and often times less for procured energy. Typical PPAs can have aggressive terms and price escalators depending on the supplier - our goal is to provide our clients with certainty, price stability and transparency in every PPA we offer.
Engineering Procurement Construction
50KW - 50 MW Developments
EPC contracts for renewable energy are often the preferred source by our clients wanting renewable energy sources constructed to specific specifications, standards and budget. These project can be financed by MVP on a short term basis during project construction with a pre-negotiated sell amount at the time of completion and commissioning or financed entirely by clients on a direct basis. Under an EPC contract, clients will provide all the details and request starting with the site through the engineering phases, and equipment selection phases. This is the “we build it your way option”. EPC contracts leave a significant amount of room for negotiations on the terms. MVP makes every effort to be as transparent as possible on the development pricing of all our projects.
1MW and Larger
MVP as a developer has the partnerships and resources to build renewable energy projects of any size under the most complex conditions. As your chosen developer we leverage our expertise and bring on board the best EPC firms in the industry to provide you with the highest quality project and materials possible. Our strategic partners have a history of financial success, longevity within the industry, and a record of success on comparable developments.
Please contact us at CS@midvalleypowercom for more details
In 2010 California introduced a concept in which not all renewable energy is rated equally when meeting Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requirements in terms of compliance. The concept of categorical ranking was established, often referred to as categories or “buckets”. Depending on the generation source, location, delivery, and terms, the renewable energy procured on the open market has a specific value in terms of the environmental attributes associated with the energy, these are refereed to as renewable energy certificates (RECs), green tags, renewable energy credits or tradeable renewable certificates (TRCs). These credits or certificates can be bought, sold or traded depending on a number of variables for a variety of reasons.