MVP Energy strategy solutions

MVP’s energy procurement and supply expertise is among the best in the industry. We specialize in de-regulated energy and gas markets to get our clients the required energy and capacity for the most demanding requirements. California being among the states with deregulated energy and gas markets allows for significant opportunity in many cases. The MVP energy team has years of experience in energy and gas supply trading and scheduling. We are experienced with regional balancing authorities, utilities, transmission entities and power suppliers in deregulated markets. We work with our clients to negotiate energy supply contracts, utility rate schedules/riders, and futures. Our ability to effectively hedge energy and gas portfolios bring the highest degree of predictability and stability possible in the energy markets. We rely on our experience, and carefully track the markets on a short and long term basis.

Many of our larger clients have established energy portfolios that we work with to maximize and utilize at specific sites. Our team is highly specialized in negotiations for large scale projects when a merging of client/MVP and a utility portfolio is required. We work with various utilities whether they are long or short on supply so they have as little or as much risk exposure as they would like when supplying MVP client sites through our substation and generation assets. We review utility renewable assets and to determine what additions are need to meet our client energy portfolio demands for 100 percent renewable power on most sites.

Our goal is to onboard MVP client sites with zero infrastructure and energy supply risk to the utility. Contact us for more information and we would be glad to arrange a meeting to discuss your specific needs.