The mvp data center solution
MVP’s reliable infrastructure solutions, renewable power supply expertise and strategic site selection knowledge are the perfect match for the data center industry and other mission critical operations. Any mission critical facility is only as good as the infrastructure and power supply that serves it. We strive for nothing less than 5 nines in reliability 24/7/365.
MVP’s mission is to provide pre-selected sites to our data center operator clients having a dedicated MVP substation and availability of 100% renewable power to the site. We know the growth is in the data center industry and strive to exceed the requested power supply requirements for the highest density facilities today and well into the future. Scale-ability is planned to the highest degree at every MVP site. Whether you require 12kW a rack now with plans of supplying racks in excess of 80kW in the future, we have a solution. MVP will utilize our expertise and supply chain to make sure power supply and infrastrucutre is not the limiting factor to MVP sites.
MVP site and resource planners are always monitoring the most advanced technology and energy markets to be sure we can deliver our promise in the most reliable, renewable, sustainable and cost effective manner possible.
Whether you have a pre-selected site or want to find out more about MVP sites, please contact us for more information.